Thursday, June 3, 2010

Let The Words

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer (Psalms 19:14).

Its the beginning of the work week and you dread going to work. You had a fun-filled weekend, but now you are not mentally or physically in the mood to be bothered with anyone. I remember those feelings. In fact, I would get up cursing the day and contemplating whether or not I wanted to go to work. In all honesty, it was my mouth that usually dictated how my day would turn out. I would say things like, I got a headache or my stomach hurts or I don't feel good.

Well, lo and behold by the time I reached my office, I felt the migraine coming and the nausea associated with it. I had a terrible attitude and was quite curt with other co-workers. My day was already funky, tiring and it had not even begun. Since I had suffered migraines before, it was nearly impossible for me physically or mentally function. I learned quickly, what I speak will come to pass. That headache and stomach ache manifested something fierce. While I could go home, it meant another day of work incomplete and leave taken unnecessarily; all because I let my mouth determine my day.

The scripture above is so profound in that, the words we speak are actually what we have been meditating in our hearts. My mentor often tells me when I'm thinking too much, I'm eventually going to speak what my heart has written. Sounds strange huh? I know. But the truth is she is right. As Christians and believers in God, our words must be acceptable in the sight of God. If we rise in the morning and speak negatively about our day, jobs, place of living, friends, etc.. or cursing the fact that we got up; we soon will find those things coming to pass or the negativity showing.

So what is that acceptable thing coming out of your mouth? Its really coming from your heart. What is it that God is hearing from you? Is it curses, blessings, doubt, dread.. Is God pleased with those things. If you say He is your strength and redeemer what is God going to redeem when your mouth has cursed everything he gave you. Remember...It is so...and it shall be.

Lord, thank you for the reminder that the words from my mouth should be acceptable in your sight. For my words are an offering unto you God. I thank you for pointing out where those words resonate. Create in me a clean heart O God and renew the right spirit within me. Show me Lord, the areas of my heart that are displeasing to you and help me Father to speak only those things which bring you glory, honor and reverence. Lord my thoughts are now subject to your Lordship and I use the power, dominion and authority to speak life to every situation. Thank you Lord for forgiveness. In Jesus name, Amen.

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